From Melissa Lammey:

Professor Miller,

I am a philosopher and educator living in Florida. I just saw your 
lecture posted on You Tube regarding the 2008 election. I know you 
are right. I came to the same conclusion myself, but the confusion 
only lifted for me after the nomination of Palin. I realized the 
exact argument you made about 'creating a narrative'. I started a 
petition online for Palin to voluntarily release her college GPA. My 
goal was to expose her blatant lack of qualifications and raise 
questions about her nomination in people's minds. I believe those in 
power have become so brazen, as you explained, that it might just 
take a little pointing out. I agree that the fight will likely start 
on November 5. Still, I wanted to send you what I wrote and 
distributed to friends.


This election year has brought much discussion of the experience of 
our candidates, but little of their education. When we citizens are 
hired in the private sector, we are expected to provide information 
regarding our education as well as our experience. We should be 
allowed to consider the same in deciding who to elect as our nation's 
leaders. Further, candidates should provide this information at our 

Senators McCain and Biden have experience to the extent 
that information on their educational backgrounds is less relevant. 
We know who they are, we know what they will do. Senator Obama and 
Governor Palin, however, have not been tested to such an extent by 
experience. For this reason, their education and their performance in 
academia is more relevant. We know that Senator Obama has achieved 
degrees with honors in fields relevant to the office of the 
Presidency from two of the most respected academic institutions in 
the United States.

We do know that Governor Palin has a four-year degree in journalism 
and communications.
However, we do not know how that education is relevant to the office 
of the Presidency.

Regardless, Governor Palin should allow us to consider her grade 
point average as a reflection of her ability to follow through on a 
four-year task.


We, the undersigned, respectfully petition you, Governor Sarah Palin, 
to voluntarily release your college grade point average for voter 
consideration. We believe that education and experience are important 
factors to consider in deciding the election of our Vice-President. 
Excellence in academia indicates qualities that are qualifiers for 
leadership. Excelling in one's education reveals the ability to 
comprehend, analyze, and synthesize large amounts of information. It 
also reveals that one can be dedicated to a series of complex tasks 
over the course of four years that will, ultimately, achieve a higher 
goal. We believe the leaders of our nation should possess these 
qualities. We hold this belief with great conviction given the 
challenges we currently face as Americans.

You, Governor Palin, have asked us to elect you to the second highest 
office of the land. We would like to consider your performance 
in academia in making this very important decision. Please, Governor 
Palin, release your college grade point average for our consideration.

  If you accept my arguments as presented in this summary and letter, 
please sign my petition and distribute it to as many people as you 
see fit. The petition may be signed anonymously by clicking 'do not 
show my name' on the signature form. I am the only person who will 
see information provided here. You may access the petition by 
clicking on this link:

to Palin: Voluntarily Release Your GPA

My best regards,

Melissa Lammey

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