Breaking: Obama Demands Special Prosecutor Investigate GOP Voter 
Fraud Activities

By ARI MELBER 10/17/08 3:13 PM

Charging that the FBI probe of ACORN represents an "unholy alliance" 
between Republican operatives and potentially illegal conduct by law 
enforcement targeting voter fraud, the Obama campaign demanded Friday 
that the U.S. special prosecutor looking into the U.S. attorneys 
scandal investigate the matter.

General counsel Bob Bauer sent a letter to Atty. Gen. Michael Mukasey 
charging that coordinated "misconduct" by McCain campaign 
representatives and GOP officials were relevant to the special 
prosecutor's work, because the activities may relate to the dismissal 
of seven U.S. attorneys in late 2006.

The letter requests that the special prosecutor's inquiry "include a 
review of any involvement by Justice Dept. and White House officials 
in supporting the McCain-Palin campaign [and RNC's] systematic 
development and dissemination of unsupported, spurious allegations of 
vote fraud."

To advance the effort, the Obama campaign convened a conference call 
with national reporters, though Friday afternoon is not a time that 
campaigns usually push priority messages.

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