Breaking News and Commentary from Citizens For Legitimate Government
22 Oct 2008
All items are here:

prepare for unrest on Election Day 21 Oct 2008 
Police departments in cities across the country 
are beefing up their ranks for Election Day, 
preparing for possible civil unrest and riots 
after the historic presidential contest. Public 
safety officials said in interviews with The Hill 
that the election, which will end with either the 
nation's first black president or its first 
female vice president, demanded a stronger police 

Demands Information On Military Deployment Within 
U.S. Borders --Deployment Erodes Longstanding 
Separation Between Civilian And Military 
Government (ACLU) 21 Oct 2008 The American Civil 
Liberties Union today demanded information from 
the government about reports that an active 
military unit has been deployed inside the U.S. 
to help with "civil unrest" and "crowd control" - 
matters traditionally handled by civilian 
authorities. This deployment jeopardizes the 
longstanding separation between civilian and 
military government, and the public has a right 
to know where and why the unit has been deployed, 
according to an ACLU Freedom of Information 
request filed today.

scientists 'deployed in UK' 21 Oct 2008 
Scientists from Porton Down have been deployed in 
the UK a "number of times this year", the 
government's head of counter-terrorism has told 
MPs. The lab mainly specialises in nuclear and 
biological warfare but the reason for the 
deployments is not known. Brigadier Chip Chapman 
told a committee of MPs he could not go into 
details for national security reasons. The 
Commons defence committee is probing the UK's 
level of readiness for a terrorist attack or 
other emergency.

Words: New Court Filing Suggests Manufactured 
Terror Threat in Bush's 2002 State of the Union 
By Laura Rozen 17 Oct 2008 A new court filing by 
the lawyers for 
Boumediene and five other Guantanamo detainees 
suggests that the Bush administration ordered the 
Bosnian government to arrest and hold the men 
after an exhaustive Bosnian investigation had 
found them innocent of any terrorism related 
activity and had ordered their release, in order 
to use them as props in Bush's January 2002 State 
of the Union speech.

Endorses McCain 22 Oct 2008 Al-Qaeda [al-CIAduh] 
is watching the U.S. stock market's downward 
slide with something akin to jubilation, with its 
leaders hailing the financial crisis as a 
vindication of its strategy of crippling 
America's economy through endless, costly foreign 
wars against Islamist insurgents. And at least 
some of its supporters think Sen. John McCain is 
the presidential candidate best suited to 
continue that trend. <g> "Al-Qaeda will have to 
support McCain in the coming election," said a 
commentary posted Monday on the Web site 
al-Hesbah, which is closely linked to the 
terrorist group. It said the Arizona Republican 
would continue the "failing march of his 
predecessor," President [sic] Bush.

raises spectre of nuclear war 23 Oct 2008 John 
McCain raised the spectre of nuclear war as he 
struggled to overcome rival Barack Obama's 
widening lead in the polls with just 14 days left 
in the epic race to the White House... The next 
president "won't have time to get used to the 
office," the Republican said at a rally on 
Tuesday. "I sat in the cockpit on the flight deck 
of the USS Enterprise off of Cuba. I had a 
target," McInsane said, referring to the 1962 
Cuban Missile crisis. "I know how close we came 
to a nuclear war and I will not be a president 
that needs to be tested. I have been tested. 
Senator Obama has not."

Afghan soldiers die in 'friendly fire' attack by 
US warplanes 23 Oct 2008 American aircraft have 
killed nine Afghan soldiers in an accidental 
attack on an army post - the latest in a string 
of deadly mistakes involving Western forces in 
Afghanistan. Afghan officials said that the 
attack happened overnight on Tuesday in the 
eastern province of Khost.

9 Soldiers Killed, "Possible U. S. Error" 23 Oct 
2008 The Command of the US-led multinational 
coalition has admitted that US troops may have 
been responsible for killing nine Afghan 
governmental soldiers and injuring three others, 
one of whom in critical condition, in an air 
strike last night during which a government army 
post was accidentally bombed in the south-eastern 
Khost province, one of the main Taliban 
strongholds. It was, however, only a partial 
admission of fault in which an attempt was made 
to lay part of the blame on the victims 

says won't be bullied into signing US pact 
--Baghdad rejects US military chief's warning 
over failure to materialise deal 23 Oct 2008 Iraq 
will not be bullied into signing a security pact 
with the United States despite top US leaders 
warning of potentially dire consequences if it 
does not, the government spokesman said on 
Wednesday. Ali al-Dabbagh blasted US military 
chief Admiral Michael Mullen for saying that 
Baghdad faced the potential of significant losses 
if a deal is not concluded to keep American 
forces in Iraq beyond year end.

cabinet rejects current draft of U.S. troop 
accord 21 Oct 2008 Shiite Muslim government 
ministers raised objections Tuesday to a "final 
draft" of an agreement to authorize U.S. troops 
to remain in Iraq, and after a 
four-and-a-half-hour cabinet meeting Iraq's 
government spokesman said that the agreement 
wouldn't be finalized in its current form. The 
clock is ticking: The United Nations mandate 
under which U.S. troops are in Iraq expires on 
Dec. 31... Lawmakers also want to strike a clause 
that would give the Iraqi government the right to 
extend the agreement without parliamentary 
approval if it felt that was advisable. Hamoudi 
said that Prime Minister Nouri al Maliki himself 
raised objections to the draft agreement.

rejects public hearing on Blackwater guards' 
deaths in Iraq 22 Oct 2008 A federal appeals 
court has ruled that a hearing on the deaths of 
Cleveland native Jerko "Jerry" Zovko and three 
other Blackwater guards in Iraq will go to 
private arbitration, a decision that probably 
ends a public investigation into their gruesome 
deaths in 2004. The 4th U.S. Circuit Court of 
Appeals on Friday dismissed a petition by the 
families of the deceased guards -- Zovko, Stephen 
Helveston, Mike Teague and Wesley Batalona -- to 
move the case into public courts.

Offices Receive Bomb Threats 22 Oct 2008 The U.S. 
Capitol Police are investigating bomb threats to 
"several" Senate offices, though so far the 
department has not felt the need to evacuate any 
offices or buildings on the congressional campus. 
Roll Call 
that a total of five Senate offices have received 

receives bomb threats, no evacuation 22 Oct 2008 
Several Senate offices have received bomb threats 
this afternoon, but the offices have not been 
evacuated and Capitol Police are investigating 
the threats. Capitol Police just sent out this 
alert to Senate offices, and seem to be 
downplaying the level of the threat: "Several 
offices have received a bomb threat by phone and 
email. The United States Capitol Police are 
actively investigating. There is no need for 
staff to take any precautions at this point. If 
your office receives a threat please take note of 
the time, caller I.D., and wording."

powder at NY Times believed to be harmless 23 Oct 
2008 An employee of The New York Times opened a 
letter Wednesday containing a white powder that 
officials later said was harmless. The discovery 
comes after more than 30 letters containing a 
suspicious powder were mailed to Chase bank 
branches and federal banking regulators' offices 
in nine cities.

Letter Threatens Chase Bank CEO, 'You Will Be 
Killed' 22 Oct 2008 The U.S. Postal Inspection 
Service posted a $100,000 reward late Wednesday 
for information about a flurry of threatening 
letters sent to JP Morgan Chase facilities, its 
CEO Jamie Dimon, and several federal banking 
offices around the country this week. "You need 
to be pay back. You will be killed in 10 days," 
one of the typewritten letters read, federal law 
enforcement officials told ABC News. Another 
letter, addressed to the JP Morgan Chase CEO, 
Jamie Dimon, in New York, threatened a series of 
attacks ending in an [inside job] Oklahoma 
City-like bombing.

Bank Hoax Threat Letters Sent from Amarillo, 
Texas --More Than 30 Letters Sent on October 18th 
to Banks Across the Country 21 Oct 2008 Federal 
authorities say more than 30 threat letters were 
sent to JP Morgan Chase banks around the country, 
all postmarked last Saturday, October 18, in 
Amarillo, Texas. An FBI spokesperson said the 
letters all contained a powder substance that 
appears to be harmless. Additional testing is 
underway. The letters went to Chase bank 
facilities in at least seven cities, according to 
the FBI, and began showing up yesterday.

Security to Change Airline Boarding Process 22 
Oct 2008 The Department of Homeland Security will 
take responsibility from airlines for checking 
passenger names against watch lists beginning in 
January and will require all commercial 
passengers for the first time to provide their 
full name, date of birth and gender as a 
condition of boarding a flight, U.S. officials 
said today. The changes will be phased in next 
year for the 2 million passengers each day aboard 
domestic and international flights to, from or 
over the United States.

shelve 42-day detention 13 Oct 2008 Home 
Secretary Jacqui Smith has told MPs that plans to 
extend terror detention to 42 days will be 
dropped from the Counter-Terrorism Bill. It 
follows a heavy defeat for the government in the 
House of Lords, which threw out the plan by 309 
votes to 118.

bailout contracts contain blacked out portions By 
Chris Carey 21 Oct 2008 The Treasury Department 
has hired two big accounting firms to help keep 
tabs on the government's financial-industry 
rescue program, and once again certain basic 
elements of the deals are shrouded in secrecy... 
The PricewaterhouseCoopers 
released by the Treasury Department on Tuesday 
has blacked-out text in the area covering the 
firm's bid, and also conceals the name of the 
PricewaterhouseCoopers partner who signed the 
deal. Another section listing the names of the 
PricewaterhouseCoopers employees designated to 
work on the contract also is blacked out.

Was Sold Softly to the Street --Kashkari Told 
Financial-Industry Players That Salary Caps 
Wouldn't Be Too Onerous 10 Oct 2008 As the 
biggest market intervention in U.S. history made 
its way through Congress, Neel Kashkari, the 
Treasury official named this week to run the 
program, offered assurances to 800 
financial-industry players. Attempts by Congress 
to make beneficiaries pay for their mistakes, 
such as placing caps on executive pay, were 
"quite reasonable" and "a pretty modest hindrance 
to you," he told them, according to a recording 
of the Sept. 28 conference call made public on 
video-sharing Web site YouTube.

operative tells cautionary tale about 'how to rig 
an election' --Allen Raymond went to prison for 
jamming phones of N.H's Democratic Party 
--Operation also prevented local firefighters 
from helping senior citizens get to polls 22 Oct 
2008 Allen Raymond is living proof that political 
dirty tricksters do exist. The former Republican 
political operative went to federal prison after 
he pleaded guilty to charges of phone harassment. 
He jammed the phone lines of New Hampshire's 
Democratic Party on Election Day six years ago. 
"I think they were willing to do whatever it took 
to win, even if that meant breaking the law," 
Former New Hampshire Democratic Party Chairwoman 
Kathy Sullivan said. "Even if that meant 
suppressing the votes. So if that means they were 
trying to steal the election, yes, then they were 
trying to steal the election."

quit over anti-Obama phone calls 22 Oct 2008 
Telemarketers in Wisconsin and West Virginia 
asked to make calls bashing Barack Obama and 
linking him to 1960s radical William Ayers quit 
their jobs rather than read the required script. 
The calls were paid for by the McCain campaign 
and the Republican National Committee and are 
being placed in several states across the 
country. [Awesome!]

N.C. lawmaker apologize for comments 22 Oct 2008 
Republicans were in mea culpa mode yesterday 
after comments in North Carolina suggesting that 
their supporters are more patriotic than 
Democrats. At a fund-raiser in the Tar Heel state 
last week, vice presidential candidate Sarah 
Palin said, "We believe that the best of America 
is in these small towns that we get to visit, and 
in these wonderful little pockets of what I call 
the real America . . . pro-America areas of this 
great nation." Yesterday on CNN, Palin said she 
didn't mean to say some parts of the country are 
more pro-American than others. "I don't want that 
misunderstood," she said. "If that's the way it 
came across, I apologize."

spent $150,000 in donations on Palin's look 22 
Oct 2008 The Republican National Committee spent 
about $150,000 on clothing, hair styling, makeup 
and other "campaign accessories" in September for 
the McCain campaign after Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin 
joined the ticket as his running mate. The McCain 
campaign now says the clothing will go to a 
"charitable purpose" after the campaign.

baby, shop? GOP spent $150K on Palin clothes 22 
Oct 2008 Who knew looking like a hockey mom was 
this darned expensive? Certainly not Wanda 
Routier, a proud hockey mom in Hewitt, Wis., who 
spends her time in sweat pants, turtlenecks, 
ankle boots and heavy coats. She was dismayed to 
hear Wednesday that the Republican Party had 
spent $150,000 on clothes, hair styling and 
accessories for Sarah Palin and her family from 
such upscale stores as Saks Fifth Avenue and 
Nieman Marcus.

lashes out at corporate greed in Colo. stop 22 
Oct 2008 Democratic vice presidential candidate 
Joe Biden said Wednesday that Barack Obama will 
attack corporate greed and go after executives 
who reward themselves at the expense of 
employees. Biden took direct aim at executives 
who draw big salaries while leading failed 
companies where employees are losing pensions. 
"Their pensions go first," he told a roaring 

set to dominate Senate 22 Oct 2008 "It doesn't 
get bigger than this." That is what Larry Sabato, 
Professor of Political Science at the University 
of Virginia, is saying about the potential for 
big Democratic gains in the US Senate races in 

Draws Even With Obama After Final Debate in AP 
Poll 22 Oct 2008 Republican John McCain erased 
Democrat Barack Obama's lead in the presidential 
race less than two weeks before Election Day in 
an Associated Press-GfK poll, as two other 
surveys put Obama ahead by 10 points or more. The 
AP poll, taken over five days following the 
candidates' final debate Oct. 15, shows Obama 
with 44 percent support and McCain with 43 
percent backing among likely voters.

NYTimes 'reporter' Judith Miller joins Fox News 
20 Oct 2008 Judith Miller, whose pre-Iraq war 
reporting propaganda was faulted in a 2004 
apology to its readers by editors of The New York 
Times, has joined the Fox News television channel 
as a contributor. Miller "will provide commentary 
and analysis on national security issues, 
counterterrorism, and international affairs, 
including the Middle East on Fox," the cable news 
channel announced in a statement on Monday.

Heads up! 
rushing species act changes --Public comment 
review speeded 21 Oct 2008 Rushing to ease 
endangered species rules before Dictator Bush 
leaves office, Interior Department officials are 
attempting to review 200,000 comments from the 
public in just 32 hours, according to an e-mail 
obtained by The Associated Press. The Fish and 
Wildlife Service has called a team of 15 people 
to Washington this week to pore through letters 
and online comments about a proposal to exclude 
greenhouse gases and the advice of federal 
biologists from decisions about whether dams, 
power plants and other federal projects could 
harm species.

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Previous lead stories: 
world military leaders meet in Lake Placid 21 Oct 
2008 (NY) Some of the most powerful military 
commanders in the world 
in Lake Placid over the weekend. Speculation was 
rife after a C-32, the military equivalent to a 
Boeing 757 airliner, touched down Friday at the 
Adirondack Regional Airport in Lake Clear. The 
155-foot-long jumbo jet, which is used as Air 
Force 2 when the vice president is aboard, was 
emblazoned with "United States of America" on the 
side and parked on the eastern edge of the 
airport. Following the landing, a motorcade led 
by State Police rushed Admiral Mike Mullen, 
chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, and top 
military commanders from four nations -- Britain, 
France, Germany and Italy -- to a resort in Lake 

Bay to remain open: Bush 22 Oct 2008 America's 
Bush administration has confirmed the Guantanamo 
Bay detention facility, that houses suspected 
terrorists, will still be open when the new 
President takes office in January. White House 
spokeswoman, Dana Perino, says there is no way 
the facility could be closed in the president's 
[sic] remaining three months in office.

drops charges against -- but still holds -- 5 
Guantanamo prisoners 21 Oct 2008 The U.S. 
military abruptly dropped charges against five 
Guantanamo Bay prisoners, including one who 
allegedly plotted to detonate a "dirty bomb" in 
the U.S., after a prosecutor accused the military 
of suppressing evidence that could have helped 
clear them. But despite the decision, announced 
Tuesday, there are no plans to free the men. New 
trial teams are taking another look at the 
evidence, the military said, and after consulting 
with intelligence agencies will recommend whether 
to reinstate charges.

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