Neu: 2001-10-27

Contents of this issue:

1. Combating Terrorism

2. Polynesia Casualty


October 27th, 2001

1. Combating Terrorism:

United States Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) and Drug Enforcement
Agency (DEA) observers have been attending the South Pacific Chiefs of
Police Conference in Apia.

International terrorism, and drug and people smuggling are understood to
have featured in the discussions.

Samoan Prime Minister Tuilaepa Sailele Malielegaoi, Chief of Police Asi
Tuiataga Blakelock and the Police Department have been the official
hosts. Delegations came from American Samoa, Australia, Cook Islands,
Fiji, French Polynesia, Kiribati, New Caledonia, New Zealand, Palau,
Papua New Guinea, Samoa, Solomon Islands, Tonga and Vanuatu. Asi said
the importance of these meeting is in the resolutions to be made at the
end. "It is on these resolutions and sharing of information that
development needs can be addressed," he said. (PINA Nius Online).

2. Polynesia Casualty :

The internationally known Club Med hotel at Moorea, French Polynesia,
yesterday announced its temporary closure in continuing fallout from the
world terrorism crisis.

Club Med Moorea will close December 1st and hopefully will reopen "as
soon as possible", according to the management. The suspension of
activity could last up to nine months.

French Polynesia's important tourism industry has already been hit by
the sudden close down of Renaissance cruise line operations in its
islands. Mainly American tourists had flown in on special flights to
board two Renaissance liners in Papeete and cruise French Polynesia's
islands. Club Med Moorea has 350 bungalows with terraces and a capacity
of 700 people.It was established on the site of Haapiti Moorea in 1962.


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