Good morning!

I finally set up my personal flowerpot microphone on the roof in Etna, NY, 
yesterday evening, and then conducted my first overnight recording of the 

In general, it was fairly uneventful and quiet, with the exception of the 
Spring Peeper chorus, periodic trilling American Toads, and occasional calling 
Gray Treefrog.

In the Fingerlakes area of Upstate, NY, we are seeing a nearly unprecedented 
early leaf-out, or at least a leaf-out we haven’t seen this early in probably 
over a decade. This will make for interesting and sometimes challenging daytime 
birding, because so many more food resources are available as the bulk of 
migrants move through our region.

OK, onto the night recording. Early this morning, I quickly scanned through the 
recording from last night with the following notables, in no particular order:

Ovenbird (2 NFCs, 1 song)
White Throated Sparrow (5+ NFCs)
HF Sparrow seet (1 NFC)
Indigo Bunting (2 NFCs, 1 song, one of the NFC’s was a really nice clear call)
Wood Thrush (2 NFCs, 1 song - definite singer in flight, not from ground, which 
I think is a first for me as a singing flyover)
Common Yellowthroats (5 NFCs, 3 songs)
Chipping Sparrow (10+ NFCs, 7 songs - local bird triggered into song by flyover 
Least Sandpiper (1 “kreeeet” series of calls)
Spotted Sandpiper (3-4 call sequences, possible local bird)
Virginia Rail (1 “k-kreeer" call)
Green Heron (4 “keow!” calls)
Baltimore Oriole (1 in-flight song)
Tree Swallow (dawn flight calls)
Canada Warbler (1 NFC)
Savannah Sparrow (4 NFCs)
Warbler sp (8 NFCs)
Song Sparrows (5+ songs, probably local birds)

It’s good to be listening and recording at night again!

Has anyone else out there been motivated to start recording or listening. What 
are you hearing?

Chris T-H

Christopher T. Tessaglia-Hymes
Field Applications Engineer
Bioacoustics Research Program, Cornell Lab of Ornithology
159 Sapsucker Woods Road, Ithaca, New York 14850
W: 607-254-2418   M: 607-351-5740   F: 607-254-1132


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