It looks like a nice reflectivity burst coming out of Philadelphia toward the 
northwest.  At 0136Z, there is a bit of a "bird burst" coming from around the 
Philadelphia airport (SW side of Philadelphia county and NE side of Delaware 
county) likely near the Delaware river, but that is mostly opinion knowing some 
of the area around there.  The burst seems to move northwest and out of the 
radar coverage around 0301Z.  This likely takes them across your area.  I am 
hoping that you have noted the direction of their movement to match that 
radar data.  Birds should have been moving south-southeast to north-northwest 
(roughly).  Is this similar to what you have heard?  

Also, the maps you referred to from my site did not update properly to the 
latest model runs at 00Z, they are still stuck on this morning's run (as of 
11:25 ET), so the time you should be looking at for tonight should be the 12-hr 
forecast instead of the 00-hr analysis.

Good luck the rest of the time you are recording.  

 Bryan Guarente
Instructional Designer
The COMET Program
University Corporation for Atmospheric Research
Boulder, CO

From: Andrew Albright <>
To: nfc-l <>;
Sent: Wed, October 27, 2010 8:54:09 PM
Subject: [nfc-l] Opinions on tonight's radar loops for southeast PA?

To radar watchers out there, does anyone care to comment on the reflectivity 
radar loops tonight for the area 10-20 miles northwest of Philadelphia?
1. On the ground, I've heard and recorded a lot of longer "tseeps" (20-50 for 
some minutes) - which is more than I've ever heard around here.  I'd have to 
guess most sound sparrowish (white-throated and plus some short ones) - so 
nothing surprising given the time of year.
2. There's not much wind but what there is out of a southerly direction (it 
feels like Florida right now here) so not what I would think would be favorable 
for a heavy migration.
Although if you look at the surface streamlines, it looks like we are on the 
edge of a change in wind direction/speed:
The upper level wind direction is definitely out of the southwest.
3. There's rain in the area and I see a lot of green on the radar* (not blue) - 
so I'm having a hard time.
Andrew Albright


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