Hi Andy, you are certainly not the only one with a 'mystery call' file. I 
record a high percentage of mystery calls here in Portugal. Many of them seem 
to be one-offs, calls that I never recorded before and perhaps never will 
again. One possibility is that they are species that very rarely give a night 
flight call, and don't use the same call by day. More likely, they are unusual 
variant calls of species that often call at night. When I think I have solved 
some of these mysteries, that's almost invariably what they seem to be. Others 
may not be birds at all. Black Rats unfortunately have a large repertoire of 
vaguely bird-like sounds, for example...

Regarding your two mystery sounds, I'm certainly not the best person to comment 
being a European, and I'm not sure about either of them! However, the first 
sounds to me like a medium to large ungulate or other mammal. I don't know 
what's possible in your area. The second one doesn't ring any bell for me but 
that's hardly surprising. Somebody who lives a bit closer may be able to help.

all the best,

Magnus Robb

On 25 Sep 2011, at 17:42:50, Andy Martin wrote:

> Attached are 2 calls I'm having a bit of trouble with.
> First one recorded on 4-16-10 after 3 AM, sounds so familiar but I just
> cannot place it. Feel like I have heard it somewhere before. Almost like
> when someone's name is stuck on the tip of your tongue and your brain just
> can't produce it. Tried to match it up to Great Blue Heron or possibly Great
> Horned Owl "harnk" call but none of variations of these calls sounded right.
> Not even sure if the GHO "harnk" call is given in flight and recorded call
> does sound as if its coming closer to the mic.
> 2nd call recorded on 3-27-07 around 11:20 PM, is just a single "burp like"
> bark. Seemingly different than usual herons at this time of year for my
> location (Great Blue or American Bittern). Is it possible this might be a
> Hooded Merganser?
> After 4-5 years of recording, hope I am not the only NFC enthusiast with a
> folder on my computer entitled "mystery calls" that seems to get a little
> bit bigger each year. On a positive note, while recently going through my
> mystery call folder, found and ID'ed a couple recordings of Yellow-crowned
> Night-Heron and a Virginia Rail.
> Thanks for any help.
> Andy Martin
> Gaithersburg, MD
> www.nightmigrants.com
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> <041610,341AMver2.wav><032707,1121PM.wav>


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