Hi Tao,


----- Original Message -----
> From: "Tao CHEN" <sebastien.che...@gmail.com>
> To: nfs-ganesha-devel@lists.sourceforge.net
> Sent: Monday, January 2, 2017 11:08:11 PM
> Subject: [Nfs-ganesha-devel] nfs over rgw - new bucket not been added to      
> mdcache
> Hi all,
> I'm using nfs-ganesha v2.4 to build a nfs over rgw with Ceph v11.0.2. I did
> some experiments and I faced something that I can't understand:
> 1. I tried to create a new bucket in ceph cluster with s3cmd and the new
> bucket had been successfully created. However, I couldn't see the new bucket
> in the mount point, but I can still access to this bucket in the mount
> point.

There was a bug with this behavior in early Jewel, but it should be fixed, so
I wouldn't expect this, I'll try to verify on master.

> 2. I mounted 2 points(nfs-client A and nfs-client B). When I created a new
> bucket in nfs-client A, the new bucket showed up in the nfs-client B with a
> short delay. And the new bucket had been successfully created in the
> backend(ceph cluster) too.

good...nb, we're not doing rgw-side invalidates of ganesha yet, which I think
is the root cause of the different issues you're seeing here.

The design goals for rgw + nfs do date are to have a more relaxed namespace
consistency than traditional nfs, but clearly we want to be "eventually
consistent." :)

You can potentially address this issue in the short run by shortening ganesha's
cache expiration time.

> I check the log file and the source code, and I found that, when we created a
> new bucket in ceph cluster, nfs-ganesha sync FSAL but not MDCache. So in the
> mount point we cannot see the new bucket. However, if we create a new bucket
> in nfs-client, nfs-ganesha will sync both FSAL and MDCache.
> It doesn't seem like a bug, can somebody tell me why nfs-ganesha work so?
> Would it cost too much if we sync both FSAL and MDCache if we update ceph
> cluster?
> Thanks for your attention! --
> Tao CHEN



> Élève ingénieur Système Réseaux et Télécommunications
> Université de Technologie de Troyes(UTT)
> Email: sebastien.che...@gmail.com
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