Hi Daniel,

Please find the response to your question "What it at 0x7fcabc550688" in
the mail below. Thank you.


From:   Daniel Gryniewicz <d...@redhat.com>
To:     nfs-ganesha-devel@lists.sourceforge.net
Date:   09/05/2017 06:53 PM
Subject:        Re: [Nfs-ganesha-devel] Segfault seen in libntirpc code even
            when values of the input arguments to function 'recvmsg' look

On 09/04/2017 03:52 AM, Madhu P Punjabi wrote:
> Hi All,
> We have a customer who has reported a segfault in libntirpc code, when
> using ganesha 2.3 on CentOS 7.
> Looking at the customer's coredump below, it was not clear why a
> segfault was seen even though the values (and addresses) passed to the
> 'recvmsg' seem to be valid. Can you please refer the below coredump to
> check if it is possible to see a segfault even when the input arguments
> to the function (recvmsg) look fine and the addresses are accessible?
> Thank you for helping with this.
> Following is the coredump:
> Core was generated by `/usr/bin/ganesha.nfsd -L /var/log/ganesha.log -f
> /etc/ganesha/ganesha.conf -N N'.
> Program terminated with signal 11, Segmentation fault.
> #0  0x00007fcabc3130f4 in clnt_dg_call (clnt=0x7fc550002850,
> auth=0x7fcabc551340 <auth_none_priv>, proc=3, xargs=0x7fcabc31993c
> <xdr_pmap>, argsp=0x7fc5e37fccd0,
>      xresults=0x7fcabc3330c8 <xdr_u_short>, resultsp=0x7fc5e37fcd1e,
> utimeout=...) at
> /usr/src/debug/nfs-ganesha-2.3.2-ibm42-0.1.1-Source/libntirpc/src/clnt_dg.c:372

> 372                     ret = recvmsg(cu->cu_fd, &msg, MSG_ERRQUEUE);
> Missing separate debuginfos, use: debuginfo-install
> sssd-client-1.12.2-58.el7_1.18.x86_64
> (gdb) p cu->cu_fd
> $1 = 67856
> (gdb) p msg
> $2 = {msg_name = 0x7fc5e37fc600, msg_namelen = 16, msg_iov =
> 0x7fc5e37fc5f0, msg_iovlen = 1, msg_control = 0x7fc5e2ffefa0,
> msg_controllen = 256, msg_flags = 0}
> (gdb) p *(struct sockaddr_in*)msg.msg_name
> $3 = {sin_family = 2, sin_port = 28416, sin_addr = {s_addr = 676717841},
> sin_zero = "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000"}
> (gdb) p *(msg.msg_iov)
> $4 = {iov_base = 0x7fc5e2fff0a0, iov_len = 56}
> (gdb) p *(char*)msg.msg_iov->iov_base
> $5 = 0 '\000'
> (gdb) p *(char*)(msg.msg_control)
> $6 = 0 '\000'
> (gdb) l -
> 362
> 363 iov.iov_base = cbuf + 256;
> 364 iov.iov_len = outlen;
> 365 msg.msg_name = (void *)&err_addr;
> 366 msg.msg_namelen = sizeof(err_addr);
> 367 msg.msg_iov = &iov;
> 368 msg.msg_iovlen = 1;
> 369 msg.msg_flags = 0;
> 370 msg.msg_control = cbuf;
> 371 msg.msg_controllen = 256;
> (gdb) l -
> 352 #ifdef IP_RECVERR
> 353 if (fd.revents & POLLERR) {
> 354 struct msghdr msg;
> 355 struct cmsghdr *cmsg;
> 356 struct sock_extended_err *e;
> 357 struct sockaddr_in err_addr;
> 358 struct sockaddr_in *sin = (struct sockaddr_in *)&cu->cu_raddr;
> 359 struct iovec iov;
> 360 char *cbuf = (char *)alloca(outlen + 256);
> 361 int ret;
> For reference following is the corresponding assembly code which shows
> the address where crash occurred is 0x00007fcabc3130f4:
>     0x00007fcabc3130dc <+1552>:  mov    -0x48(%rbp),%rax
>     0x00007fcabc3130e0 <+1556>:  mov    0x60(%rax),%eax
>     0x00007fcabc3130e3 <+1559>:  lea    -0x6d0(%rbp),%rcx
>     0x00007fcabc3130ea <+1566>:  mov    $0x2000,%edx
>     0x00007fcabc3130ef <+1571>:  mov    %rcx,%rsi
>     0x00007fcabc3130f2 <+1574>:  mov    %eax,%edi
> => 0x00007fcabc3130f4 <+1576>:  callq  0x7fcabc30d240 <recvmsg@plt>
>     0x00007fcabc3130f9 <+1581>:  mov    %eax,-0x74(%rbp)
> (gdb) disassemble 0x7fcabc30d240   <-- this is for recvmsg@plt
> Dump of assembler code for function recvmsg@plt:
>     0x00007fcabc30d240 <+0>:     jmpq   *0x243442(%rip)        #
> 0x7fcabc550688

The only thing that jumps out at me is this^^ What it at 0x7fcabc550688?

At address 0x7fcabc550688:

(gdb) disassemble 0x7fcabc550688
Dump of assembler code for function _GLOBAL_OFFSET_TABLE_:
   0x00007fcabc550000:  adc    %ch,0x0(%rsp)
   0x00007fcabc550007:  add    %al,(%rax)
   0x00007fcabc550009:  movabs 0xf29000007fcabe39,%al
   0x00007fcabc550012:  sbb    %edi,0x7fca(%rsi)
   0x00007fcabc550018:  mov    $0x61,%ah
   0x00007fcabc55001a:  xor    0x2000007f(%rdx,%rcx,8),%edi
   0x00007fcabc550657:  add    %ah,%dh
   0x00007fcabc550659:  (bad)
   0x00007fcabc55065a:  xor    %bh,-0x9ffff81(%rdx,%rcx,8)
   0x00007fcabc550661:  (bad)
   0x00007fcabc550662:  xor    %bh,0x600007f(%rdx,%rcx,8)
   0x00007fcabc550669:  (bad)
   0x00007fcabc55066a:  xor    %bh,0x1600007f(%rdx,%rcx,8)

  It's not recvmsg() below, that's a different address.
>     0x00007fcabc30d246 <+6>:     pushq  $0xce
>     0x00007fcabc30d24b <+11>:    jmpq   0x7fcabc30c550
> End of assembler dump.
> (gdb) disassemble recvmsg
> Dump of assembler code for function recvmsg:
>     0x00007fcabc768680 <+0>:     cmpl   $0x0,0x20cd39(%rip)        #
> 0x7fcabc9753c0 <__pthread_multiple_threads>
>     0x00007fcabc768687 <+7>:     jne    0x7fcabc768699 <recvmsg+25>
>     0x00007fcabc768689 <+0>:     mov    $0x2f,%eax
>     0x00007fcabc76868e <+5>:     syscall
>     0x00007fcabc768690 <+7>:     cmp    $0xfffffffffffff001,%rax
>     0x00007fcabc768696 <+13>:    jae    0x7fcabc7686c9 <recvmsg+73>
>     0x00007fcabc768698 <+15>:    retq
>     0x00007fcabc768699 <+25>:    sub    $0x8,%rsp
>     0x00007fcabc76869d <+29>:    callq  0x7fcabc767e70
> <__pthread_enable_asynccancel>
>     0x00007fcabc7686a2 <+34>:    mov    %rax,(%rsp)
>     0x00007fcabc7686a6 <+38>:    mov    $0x2f,%eax
>     0x00007fcabc7686ab <+43>:    syscall
>     0x00007fcabc7686ad <+45>:    mov    (%rsp),%rdi
>     0x00007fcabc7686b1 <+49>:    mov    %rax,%rdx
>     0x00007fcabc7686b4 <+52>:    callq  0x7fcabc767ed0
> <__pthread_disable_asynccancel>
>     0x00007fcabc7686b9 <+57>:    mov    %rdx,%rax
>     0x00007fcabc7686bc <+60>:    add    $0x8,%rsp
>     0x00007fcabc7686c0 <+64>:    cmp    $0xfffffffffffff001,%rax
>     0x00007fcabc7686c6 <+70>:    jae    0x7fcabc7686c9 <recvmsg+73>
>     0x00007fcabc7686c8 <+72>:    retq
>     0x00007fcabc7686c9 <+73>:    mov    0x2088b8(%rip),%rcx        #
> 0x7fcabc970f88
>     0x00007fcabc7686d0 <+80>:    neg    %eax
>     0x00007fcabc7686d2 <+82>:    mov    %eax,%fs:(%rcx)
>     0x00007fcabc7686d5 <+85>:    or     $0xffffffffffffffff,%rax
>     0x00007fcabc7686d9 <+89>:    retq
> End of assembler dump.



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