
|                         Call for Demos and Workshop Papers                    


|                               IEEE NetSoft 2018                               

|                    The 4th IEEE International Conference on                   

|                             Network Softwarization                            

|                     "Achieving smart network softwarization"                  

|                        25-29 June 2018, Montreal, Canada                      

|                             http://ieee-netsoft.org                           


The 4th IEEE International Conference on Network Softwarization (NetSoft 2018) 

be held on June 25-29, 2018 in the heart of Montreal, Quebec, Canada.  IEEE 

has  been created  as a flagship conference aiming at addressing   

of networks  and systemic trends  concerning  the  convergence  of Cloud 

Software-Defined  Networking (SDN), and   Network   Function Virtualization  

IEEE NetSoft 2018  will  feature  demo  sessions and will  also  host six 

on  cutting-edge  topics  related  to  network  softwarization, which  will be 

on June 25 and June 29, 2018.

Call For Demos and Workshop Paper Submission


The  NetSoft 2018  organizing   committee  is  inviting  the  community  to  

demonstration proposals on software-networking related  research  prototypes 
and to

submit  papers  to  the  six  workshops  collocated  with NetSoft 2018 that 

several cutting-edge topics related to network softwarization.

Demo Submission information


For more information about  Demo paper submission,  please check the following 


Workshop Paper Submission information


For  workshop  paper  submission,  please  check  the following websites of the 

workshops  collocated  with  NetSoft  2018:

- International Workshop on Security in NFV-SDN (SNS 2018)

Website: http://computing.derby.ac.uk/sns2018

Co-Chairs: Shao Ying Zhu, University of Derby, UK

           Colin Allison, University of St Andrews, UK

           Eleni Trouva, NCSR Demokritos, Greece

           Georgios Gardikis, Space Hellas S.A., Greece

- Workshop on  Performance Issues in Virtualized Environments and  Software 

Networking (PVE-SDN 2018)

Website: http://sites.ieee.org/sagroups-1916-1/ieee-pve-sdn-2018

Co-Chairs: Mohammad Asad Rehman Chaudhry,  Soptimizer, Canada

           Shahram S. Heydari, UOIT, Canada

           Hesham ElBakoury, FutureWei, Huawei, USA

- International  Workshop  on  Virtualization  and  Software-Defined  

Systems (VSD-CPS 2018)

Website: https://sites.google.com/site/vsdcps

Co-Chairs: Joel J.P.C. Rodrigues, Inatel, Portugal

           Amjad Gawanmeh, Concordia University, Canada, Khalifa University, UAE

           Danda Rawat, Howard University, USA

           Sami Muhaidat, Khalifa University, UAE

           Kashif Saleem, King Saud University, KSA

           Sazia Parvin, Melbourne Polytechnic in Victoria, Australia

- International  Workshop   on  Smart   network   Technologies  and  Edge 

for the Tactile Internet (STET 2018)

Website: http://www.cs.slu.edu/stet2018

Co-Chairs: Giovanni Schembra, University of Catania, Italy

           Laura Galluccio, University of Catania, Italy

           Flavio Esposito, Saint Louis University, USA

- Workshop  on  Advances  in  Slicing  for  Softwarized Infrastructures (S4SI 

Website: http://clayfour.ee.ucl.ac.uk/s4si/index.html

Co-Chairs: Christian Esteve Rothenberg , University of Campinas, Brazil

           Stuart Clayman, UCL, UK

           Rafael Pasquini, Federal University of Uberlândia, Brazil

           Joan Serrat, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya in Barcelona, Spain

- International   Workshop  on   Softwarized  Networks  Analytics (SOFTNETICS 

Website: http://softnetics.inria.fr

Co-Chairs: Jérôme François, Inria Nancy Grand Est, France

           Shen Yan, Huawei Technologies, China

For further information, please check


Important Dates


Demo or workshop paper submission: March 16, 2018

Notification of acceptance:     April 6, 2018

Camera-ready submission: April 20, 2018

General Co-Chairs


- Prosper Chemouil, Orange Labs, France

- Noura Limam, University of Waterloo, Canada

TPC Co-Chairs


- Chadi Assi, Concordia University, Canada

- Lisandro Zambenedetti Granville, UFRGS, Brazil

- Imen Grida Ben Yahia, Orange Labs, France

Workshop Co-Chairs


Alex Galis, UCL, UK

Abdelkader Lahmadi, University of Lorraine, France

Tutorial Co-Chairs


Baek-Young Choi, University of Missouri-Kansas City, USA

Daniel Migault, Ericsson Research, Canada

Demo Co-Chairs


Jérôme François, Inria, France

Rashid Mijumbi, Nokia Bell Labs, Ireland

Jeebak Mitra, Huawei, Canada

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