
I'm a sysadmin at a large organization, where we use a lot of drupal on nginx 
(hundreds of sites).

Recently, we encountered two bugs related to drupal 8 vs nginx config. I 
reached out to some friends of mine who are drupal core developers, and 
essentially it boils down to this: They don't have an official nginx config, so 
they don't test drupal releases on nginx except manually, only in response to 
bug reports. So nginx-related bugs tend to get released to the public, and they 
tend to take a long time before they're resolved. This is a major problem for 
anybody running drupal on nginx, because any drupal security updates that come 
out can't be applied as long as some other drupal-nginx bug is show-stopping. 
Case in point: The incident that recently forced me into all this was when one 
of our site maintainers tried to update drupal core 8.2.7 to 8.3.5 in order to 
get security fixes released in 8.3.4, but after the update, the site ended up 
completely broken. The root cause of that one is related to nginx config - and 
that issue is solved by updating to the latest nginx drupal 8 recipe 
Unfortunately, the new recipe causes Responsive Images to break, so we still 
can't publish the updated website to production.

So now I'm reaching out to all you lovely nginx developers to find out if 
there's any chance of improving this. It would mean some of you (probably 
whoever wrote the drupal 8 nginx recipe) working with drupal developers 
probably on an ongoing basis, to create and maintain an official nginx config 
that they test on.

The conversation I had with drupal developers is here:

And the related drupal bug report for my particular issue is here:

Important points:

  *   Some drupal updates between 8.2.7 and 8.3.5 require the nginx recipe to 
be updated from the old drupal7 nginx recipe to the new drupal8 nginx recipe. 
Or else the site is completely nonfunctional.
  *   Unfortunately, something in the new drupal8 nginx recipe causes 
Responsive Images to break, which is also show-stopping.
  *   Either way, drupal 8.3.5 doesn't work on nginx.
  *   In order for them to test drupal releases on nginx, they need help 
setting up the official nginx config, and docker environment.
  *   If this doesn't happen, it's likely to force a lot of people, like us, 
into using apache (which we don't want).

Thanks for your feedback...
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