
On Thu, Mar 29, 2018 at 11:06 AM, Ryan Burn <rnickb...@gmail.com> wrote:
> This module injects multiple headers and the number, keys, etc aren't
> meant to be exposed to the user.
> (This module is mean to support tracing and the injected headers btw
> correspond to a SpanContext:
> http://opentracing.io/documentation/pages/api/cross-process-tracing.html
> which varies by the trace used).
> Is there way to accomplish this without having the configuration
> author do anything?

What's the source of these header names/values? If it's passed from the
downstream client, it will automatically be proxied to the upstream server
(with some exceptions, see the proxy module documentation).

If it's generated on the Nginx node itself, you should be able to use the
proxy_set_header Maxim defined above, in combination with variables which
could be generated via your custom module or some other approach.
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