
On 06/05/2021 22:14, Sander Hoentjen wrote:
It is now May, albeit a year later ;)

Any chance of this being accepted? If so I can bring it up to date on github. In the meantime we are using this for 18 months now, without issues.

Kind regards,


On 16-04-2020 19:49, Sander Hoentjen wrote:
Hi Maxim,

Thanks for your response! I will wait till you have time to properly review my code. That is more important than getting it in fast.

The code is available at https://github.com/AntagonistHQ/nginx/tree/sieve_v2, so at least it is out in the public for anyone interested.

For now, I'll just wait and see what will happen in May.

Thank you,


On 4/15/20 8:56 PM, Maxim Konovalov wrote:
Hi Sander,

First of all, thanks for your code contribution and your work done on it.

Among with other tasks we are now in a preparation for a new development
branch 1.19 and don't have much developers resources to make a proper
review of the code.

I'd suggest to put the module somewhere on external repo for now, e.g.
on github.  I hope we'll be able to return to this topic later in May.



On 14.04.2020 21:27, Sander Hoentjen wrote:
Hello list,

Since the Nginx development procedure is unknown to me: Did i do the
right things to get my submission to be considered? What are the next
steps? Will somebody review this, or reject it? Or is it possible that
it just won't get any attention, and that this will mean it will not be
considered? I hope I will at least get some feedback, even if it is a
rejection :)

Kind regards,


On 4/8/20 8:33 PM, Sander Hoentjen wrote:
Hello list,

This is my attempt at adding support for the managesieve protocol. I
hope this is something that you would consider to add. Comments on the code are very welcome! Also, I hope I submitted this the right way. If
I need to change anything, please let me know.

Kind regards,

Sander Hoentjen

On 4/8/20 8:26 PM, Sander Hoentjen wrote:
# HG changeset patch
# User Sander Hoentjen <shoent...@antagonist.nl>
# Date 1586369831 -7200
# Wed Apr 08 20:17:11 2020 +0200
# Node ID f1dffaf619688aaab90caf31781ebe27c3f79598
# Parent 0cb942c1c1aa98118076e72e0b89940e85e6291c
Added support for proxying managesieve protocol


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