Seems like its not possible to ude try_files together with

So if that was a bug before that you could get the headers from Backend but
still serve the file using nginx I don't know.

All dynamic files which I send to Backend is having cache-control headers
set. All static files (which I want to serve using nginx, but inherit the
cache-control header from
Backend) doesn't work, which it used to do.

- lucas R

Robert Paprocki wrote:

You need to examine traffic over the wire between the proxy and the
origin as you send a request from an outside client to the proxy. This
will allow you to see if the origin is even returning the expected
headers to the proxy, or if the proxy is seeing a different response
than a direct client is.

On 07/01/2014 04:00 AM, Lucas Rolff wrote:

So backend returns the headers just fine.

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