
We attempted to upgrade from nginx + openssl 1.0.1 to nginx + openssl 1.0.2,
but unfortunately we ran into some memory related issues when running nginx
+ openssl 1.0.2.

When we are running nginx + openssl 1.0.1 as a reverse proxy, our nginx
instance uses about 10 gigs of memory, and around 20 gigs during a reload.
Which to me makes sense as during the reload we'd have double the number of
worker processes.

When we are running nginx + openssl 1.0.2 as a reverse proxy, our nginx
instance uses about 25 gigs or more of memory, and around 50 gigs or more
during a reload, and sometimes that memory is not recovered.

Has anyone else noticed similar increases in memory use when combining nginx
+ openssl 1.0.2?

Any ideas what could be the cause for the increase? 

Just looking for a general direction I should be exploring.

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