

I ended up with this but still with issues

map $cookie_SSOID $ssoid_cookie {
    default "";
    ~SSOID=(?P<ssoid>.+) $ssoid;

location /imaadmin/ {
    proxy_cache off;
    proxy_pass http://IMAAdmin;

    auth_request /sso/validate;
    # must use %20 for url encoding
    set $sso_group "Staff-sso";

error_page 401 = @error401;
location @error401 {
   # return 302 https://$server_name/sso/login;
   rewrite ^ https://$server_name/sso/login;

location /sso/validate {
    proxy_cache off;
    rewrite (.*) $1?SSOID=$cookie_ssoid&a=$sso_group? break;
    proxy_set_header X-Original-URI $request_uri;

location /sso/ {
    proxy_cache off;

    rewrite (.*) $1 break;
    proxy_set_header X-Original-URI $request_uri;
    proxy_set_header X-Original-URI "imaadmin";     # have to hard code


does a http://abc.com.au/sso/validate?SSOID=<ssoid|>&a=<some text>
200 = okay
401 redirect to http://abc.com.au/sso/login

sso redirects to http://abc.com.au/sso/login/form/[X-Original-URI]
<<< its failing here I am hard coding this


On 13 October 2016 at 01:02, Maxim Dounin <mdou...@mdounin.ru> wrote:
> Hello!
> On Wed, Oct 12, 2016 at 12:43:12PM +1100, Alex Samad wrote:
>> Hi
>> I am trying to create a dynamic auth address
>> # grab ssoid
>> map $cookie_SSOID $ssoid_cookie {
>>     default "";
>>     ~SSOID=(?P<ssoid>.+) $ssoid;
>> }
>>    location /imaadmin/ {
>>         proxy_cache off;
>>         proxy_pass http://IMAAdmin;
>>         auth_request /sso/validate?SSOID=$ssoid_cookie&a=imaadmin;
>> what I am trying to do is fill the variable ssoid_cookie with the
>> cookie value for SSOID in the request or make it blank
>> then when somebody tries to access /imaadmin make the auth request
>> /sso/validate?SSOID=$ssoid_cookie&a=imaadmin;
>> but i get this
>> GET /sso/validate%3FSSOID=$ssoid_cookie&a=imaadmin HTTP/1.0
> This is because the "auth_request" directive doesn't support
> variables, and also doesn't support request arguments.
> Try this instead:
>     location /imaadmin/ {
>         auth_request /sso/validate;
>         ... proxy_pass ...
>     }
>     location = /sso/validate {
>         set $args SSOID=$ssoid_cookie&a=imaadmin;
>         ... proxy_pass ...
>     }
> --
> Maxim Dounin
> http://nginx.org/
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