On 11/30/2016 09:17 AM, Lukas Tribus wrote:
Does it cause warnings in the webmaster tools? Who cares?
Does it affect your ranking? I doubt it.
Does it index pages or error pages from the default website and assign to
your website? I doubt that even more.
Does it upset my customer? YES.

That's all the justification I need.
That's fine, then why not just say that?
Why should I? I clearly defined the problem/misconfiguration. I don't really see the need to justify why I want to fix it.

Instead you pretended to know about a huge problem with (a) crawler(s) that
would probably have affected every third website. That would have been a huge
deal, that everyone wanted to know about, if real.
No. I said this would affect anyone using a mixed http/https setup over SNI. I also said it was something I hadn't thought of, and as such was a cock up in my configuration.

If you come on this mailing list claiming you can remotely crash every nginx
instance, most likely people would like to clarify specifics and fix the 
don't you think?
If I did make that claim, I'd describe exactly how I just crashed nginx.org. Of course I'd do that privately...
Interestingly, there are many posts on this subject, try googling them.

Feel free to disagree but I really did put up a request for suggestions
on how people solve this problem,  not to have a philosophical debate on
the matter.
What I wanted to know is if there is a major bug in one of the crawlers, which
is more or less what you suggested. Now we know its not, and that's great,
because that means SEO is not fucked up for millions of websites out there
in a very common configuration.
Well, you told me it doesn't happen... WTF?
I'll leave you to do your own research if you don't believe me. Ass-u-me.

Besides, I did provide suggestions about the only way to handle this in nginx
(return specific error codes or certificates from the default server block) and
what would be ideal instead (aborting the TLS handshake like haproxy does
with strict-sni enabled).
And what cert would you use in this default block that matches, so the crawler receives a meaningful response, rather than an incorrect cert ( which they don't like )? I'm plenty old enough to realise I'll never know everything, and if my knowledge is deficient in this field, please show me where, or point me to where I can research further.


Time to stop feeding the troll I think.


Steve Holdoway BSc(Hons) MIITP
Linkedin: http://www.linkedin.com/in/steveholdoway
Skype: sholdowa

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