We have a problem where we have a large number of vanity domain names that are 
redirected. For example we have surgery.yale.edu which redirects to 
medicine.yale.edu/surgery. This works fine until someone tries to request 
https://surgery.yale.edu. For administrative reasons, I cannot get a wildcard 
certificate to handle *.yale.edu and make this simple to solve.

My question is if there is any way to redirect a request listening on port 80 
and 443 but bypass the SSL certificate warning so it will redirect? I would 
assume the order of operation with HTTPS is to first validate the certificate 
but I really want the 301 redirect to take place before the SSL cert is 

I’m open to ideas but we are limited in what we can actually do so as it stands 
the only solution we have is to request a certificate for each of the 600+ 

Michael Friscia
Office of Communications
Yale School of Medicine
(203) 737-7932 - office
(203) 931-5381 - mobile

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