Ok I figured it out. A page I saw mentioned copying the ldap conf as the
nginx.conf file and using that and I did. I erroneously thought the port
9000 connection in there was a necessary ldap connect piece and so I didn't
change it, until today with your questioning.


On Mon, Oct 8, 2018, 11:22 AM Francis Daly <fran...@daoine.org> wrote:

> On Mon, Oct 08, 2018 at 08:21:08AM -0700, Brian W. wrote:
> Hi there,
> > I want to do a successful auth, which I can, and then after the
> successful
> > auth be reverse proxied to the specified web server, not a simple 302
> > redirect, but actual reverse proxy. When I replace the hello world line
> > with a get, I just get blank white screen. I can curl -i and get a 200. I
> > can also reverse proxy without the auth and have it work.
> I'm still unclear about what you mean by the above.
> I *think* you are saying:
> when your nginx.conf has
>   server {
>     location / {
>       proxy_pass http://windows-server;
>     }
>   }
> that everything works; you can "curl -v http://nginx/something"; and get
> the expected response from http://windows-server/something.
> Am I correct in that much?
> I also think you are saying:
> when your nginx.conf has
>   server {
>     location / {
>       auth_request /auth;
>       proxy_pass http://windows-server;
>     }
>     location = /auth {
>       # your ldap-related things that return http 200 when things are good,
>       # and 401 or 403 when things are bad
>     }
>   }
> then some parts fail in some way -- you request http://nginx/something,
> and you expect one response but you get one other response -- possibly
> a http 302 to some other url?
> Am I correct in that?
> > What I need to figure out is how do I do the reverse proxy to a web
> server
> > on a different machine and send the user there via reverse proxy after a
> > successful auth.
> In nginx terms, that's auth_request -- http://nginx.org/r/auth_request
> If we can understand where in the sequence things fail first, maybe it
> will be clearer what needs to change in order to get things to succeed.
> Cheers,
>         f
> --
> Francis Daly        fran...@daoine.org
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