Hi, I'm using nginx as a reverse proxy and found a behavior that I wouldn't

According to some references below, I assume nginx would downgrade strong
etags to weak ones when it modifies response content (e.g. gzip
compression). But nginx removes strong etags on gzip compression instead of
a downgrade.

- http://nginx.org/en/CHANGES (See "Changes with nginx 1.7.3  08 Jul 2014")
  - > *) Feature: weak entity tags are now preserved on response
modifications, and strong ones are changed to weak.
  - > Entity tags: downgrade strong etags to weak ones as needed.

I created a gist to reproduce the behavior with minimum requirements, please
see https://gist.github.com/ohbarye/86f2d5b464f5e88821133c43a9cf4956

So my question is: Is it expected behavior that nginx removes strong etags
on gzip compression?


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