On Tue, Jul 13, 2021 at 05:29:15PM +0530, Raminda Subashana wrote:
> Hi Maxim,
> Just tested nginx-quic release and there is a performance issue. I compared
> it with Cloudflare quic experimental release which is based on nginx 1.16.
> It is almost 3 times slower than 1.16. Below config worked for me and it
> never advertised h3-29. if you have specific config file to test appreciate
> if you can share

Hello Raminda,

I've just looked at your results (in your letter 14/07 with PDFs
attached), and here is a summary:

metric   | nginx-1.16.1 | nginx-quic  |
         |              |             |
avg rps  | 25           | 25          |
max rps  | 80           | 61          |
         |              |             |
avg resp | 564          | 597         |
95% resp | 570          | 591         |
max resp | 1550         | 1342        |
         |              |             |
         |              |             |
FCP*     | 0.4 s        | 0.6 s       |
SI       | 0.8 s        | 3.7 s       |
LCP      | 0.4 s        | 0.9 s       |
TTI      | 0.5 s        | 1.9 s       |
TBT      | 0 ms         | 0 ms        |
CLS      | 0.016        | 0.015       |
         |              |             |
Rx       | 240.973      | 240.489     |
Tx       | 388.72       | 388.524     |

* First Contentful Paint, Speed Index,
Largest Contentful Paint, Time To Interactive,
Total Blocking Time, Cumulative Layout Shift

Looking at it, I don't see any real difference, except in metrics
related to rendering, like some syntetic 'Speed Index'.

You may want to dive into details how your application interacts with
server and find out what happens, if such results are repeatable. Maybe
some difference in HTTP/3 implementation affect it, but I have no idea
how this index is calculated.

Also, 25 rps is really low load, unless your system is a very slow
machine. What are the parameters of your machine?

Finally, I'd like to know, how did you manage to get QUIC HTTP/3 support
in k6.io ? I don't see it in opensource version?  Is it some dev branch?

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