We’ve been experimenting with NJS in its current form (as compared with the 
more established LuaJIT integration provided by OpenResty) and it’s surfaced a 
series of questions about objects and features in NJS that the documentation, 
examples, recordings, and 3rd party examples don’t seem to answer very well.  
I’m not sure if those should be asked here or in another division of Nginx but 
I wanted to lay them out.

Request Data

• Is there already an NJS object or are there plans for an object that parses 
and maps POST key/value pairs into a JSON object?
• Is there already an NJS object or are there plans for an object that parses 
out the cookies into key/value pairs of a JSON object?

We’re been experimenting with args, variables, rawVariables, etc and as a 
general rule, those objects seem to always come back as empty objects except 
for the args array which seems to always include the parsed output of the query 
string in a key/value pairing.  That might also be a fallacy of our testing 
methodology since we’re using JSON.stringify to visualize the output in the 
browser.  The documentation doesn’t fully flesh out what would be contained in 
these r and s values so it’s hard to really determine what they might or should 
contain without trying something like that.  Thus far, the only way we have 
found to retrieve cookies or POST vars from the request is by writing our own 
parsing logic in JS and passing the requestText to those to parse them out in 
various ways depending on whether they are url encoded, form/multipart, 
cookies, etc.

Note that we are testing this via the js_content tie in.


• What exactly should r.variables and r.rawVariables contain?  The assumption 
that I’ve been making is that those correspond to the variables defined in the 
Nginx configuration or Nginx variables that were set by NJS (making them 
editable by NJS as well but also available to Nginx conf).  Thus far we just 
get empty objects in response to that when outputting that via the method I 
named above.  But we most definitely have a TON of Nginx variables that we’ve 
manually set in the conf aside from the core Nginx variables

Access Filters

• Are there any plans to add an access phase filter?  I know that this can be 
simulated via the js_content tie in but that phase runs later than the access 
phase in Nginx anyway and requires you to either do a subrequest or 
internalRedirect over to a named backend route in order to both access filter 
the request AND also support the intended functionality of the location block 
where that is used.  That’s both more cumbersome and slower than it would be to 
just use the regular Nginx content phase and configuration for content and use 
NJS for access control in the access phase of the request.

Obviously LuaJIT and OpenResty are much more mature and there’s an argument to 
be had for LuaJIT being more performant but it’s not as well supported as NJS 
and JS is a much friendlier ecosystem to than LuaJIT so we prefer NJS/JS if 
possible.  None of that is even accounting for all of the more complex 
dependency management that you have to do with LuaJIT if you don’t just use a 
straight OpenResty build.  So ideally we’d prefer to use NJS if it is workable. 
 That said, at the moment, though, there appear to be a few key things in the 
basic use and scripting of the request that LuaJIT/OpenResty implementations 
have that NJS doesn’t even though they seem like they are really things that 
should be in any request scripting system like:

1. Filters for the different phase of the Nginx request
2. Direct variable access to the Nginx variables (either read only or writable 
depending on the context within which they were created)
3. Array like access to the request arguments (e.g. cookies, post args, query 
string args, etc).  Right now the only version of this that we’ve found 
reliably working in the js_content phase is query string related stuff (in the 
args array)

Apologies if there are holes in my understanding here or confusion here - even 
so much as if this is directed to the wrong “forum” within Nginx.  NJS looks 
awesome but the lack of clarity in the documentation and the tendency we’ve 
seen to get an empty object back out of JSON.stringify from what appears like 
it should be a fully filed out object has made it hard to get much headway into 

Lance Dockins

nginx mailing list

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