On Mon, Nov 22, 2021 at 02:04:36PM -0500, Software Info wrote:

Hi there,

> I am running version version 1.20 on FreeBSD. I am trying to set up nginx as 
> a reverse proxy for a backend server sitting on Windows 2012. When I try to 
> load the site through nginx, I don’t get any images back. On the windows 
> server, everything the site needs is under the central folder. The images are 
> in central/images.
> Here is my relevant nginx config:

What do the logs say?

Can you make one request for an image -- perhaps
"/central/images/one.png", and show what response does come back?

> Could anyone please help me to understand why the images don’t load.

Your browser should tell you what request it made, and what response
it received. From that, it may be clear where the response comes from
-- maybe the html from the first request includes direct links to
http://backend/central/images/one.png, and the browser cannot access

Good luck with it,

Francis Daly        fran...@daoine.org
nginx mailing list

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