Richard Jelinek wrote:

"Even Java" - what does that mean? Is Java some kind of reference? ;-)

At least when it comes to platform independence, it is meant to be.

iso-8859-2 (ISO Latin 2)
cp852 (PC Latin 2)
cp895 (Kamenicky aka KEYBCS2)
Macintosh CE
CSN 36 9103 (the most obscure of them all)

Wow, that's some nice set of encodings.

encoded. All of these are valid and more-or-less frequently used
encodings of czech (and slovak) texts. Pretty many of these will work
with the small snippet I posted previously if you give the programm
the encoding. That is because the fantastic Encode module supports
what you can think of:

My opinion is that locale is flawed as of today, because it was always
a crutch before the world moves to Unicode.

Thanks for elaborating on locale / Encode and the code example. I see your point.

As for NSP this basically would mean that one would have to replace all open() and print calls with calls to custom methods that do the encoding magic before actually reading from or writing to an IO stream.

Best regards,
Bjoern Wilmsmann

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