Greetings all,

I have added a link to Google Scholar on the NSP bibliography main

This link points to all the papers that Google Scholar knows about that
cite the Banerjee and Pedersen, 2003 article that introduced NSP,
and remains probably the best thing to reference when you are citing
NSP (which we still always appreciate :)

The direct link to Google Scholar is this (compressed down to a
tinyurl since the original link is huge :)

Google Scholar does a pretty good job of tracking down papers that
cite the Banerjee and Pedersen article, but I'm not really content to
simply rely on that, because sometimes people cite our URLs, or
they might just mention the package by name without this particular

So, I'm really quite determined to keep updating this more manual
bibliography, in particular because I do really enjoy seeing how
NSP has been used, and hearing from NSP users as well. So, please
do visit the bibliography sometime, and make sure that your
publications are included there. If not, please do let us know about
them either by filling out the online form, or sending me some email
with the information.


Ted Pedersen

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