Dear all,

I would like to know how to select the best score for each n-gram. At the 
moment, I have my count bi-grams list filtered by the statistical measures. I 
give us some examples:

earth<>station<>1 0.0205 1375 2249 2598
signal<>unit<>5 0.0102 958 5446 1900 

earth<>station<>1 1.0000 1375 2249 2598
signal<>unit<>1 1.0000 958 5446 1900 

earth<>station<>1 36.7029 1375 2249 2598 
signal<>unit<>2 30.1494 958 5446 1900 

How can I distinguish the best score between these three measures for each 
bi-gram? Or, in these case, maybe I have to consider just the rank value and 
not the score value to choose a collocation.

Best regards,

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