Greetings all,

There will be two NSP related papers at ACL 2011 during the workshop program.

On June 23 NSP will be a part of the demo program for the MWE workshop:

The following is a very short overview paper written for the workshop:

The Ngram Statistics Package (Text::NSP) - A Flexible Tool for
Identifying Ngrams, Collocations, and Word Associations (Pedersen,
Banerjee, McInnes, Kohli, Joshi, and Liu) - To Appear in the
Proceedings of Multiword Expressions : from Parsing and generation to
the Real World (MWE 2011), an ACL HLT 2011 Workshop, June 23, 2011,
Portland, Oregon. (Demonstration System)

Then on June 24 NSP will be featured in a shared talk task at the
DiSCo workshop.

NSP was used to measure semantic compositionality, and in the end did
reasonably well.

Identifying Collocations to Measure Compositionality : Shared Task
System Description (Pedersen) - To Appear in the Proceedings of
Distributional Semantics and Compositionality (DiSCo 2011), an ACL HLT
2011 Workshop, June 24, 2011, Portland, Oregon.

So, if you are at ACL 2011 please consider attending these events, or
catch up with us some other time.

Hoping to see you in Portland,

Ted Pedersen

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