Tapio Kulmala <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> You said that foo = null is always false

Yes, he said that, but he didn't mean it. :)

This whole thread is another example of why it's a big design fault to
ever include NULL into SQL. Three valued logic is just not for

As the cited link said: The ANSI SQL behaviour is to evaluate *every*
comparison including a NULL value to UNKNOWN! SQL is not a boolean
logic, it is a three valued logic!

So a comparison like a.foo = b.bar where both foo and bar (or only one
of them) have a value of NULL yields UNKNOWN.

What is done further with UNKONWN depends on its occurance. In a WHERE
clause, UNKNOWN is further evaluated to FALSE. So in a WHERE clause
any comparison containing a NULL value eventually evaluates to
FALSE. The value NULL has to special cased always.

What Ayende tried to say is: NHibernate is independent of the logic
implemented in the RDBMS. If you have SQL Server with ansi_null off,
fine. SQL Server will evaluate a different logic than ANSI SQL, thus
resulting in different resultsets, but NHibernate isn't interested in
the logic of the RDBMS, it just handles the result set -- completly
independent of the logic of the backend.

So if you are lucky with the results yielded by ansi_null off, just
fine, NHibernate can handle that. As a word of warning: Your code may
be harder to understand when relying on ansi_null off for other
developers (used to ANSI SQL logic). That's about the only problem.

Until the next mail...,

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