ChrisHolmes <> writes:

> I have yet to see anyone explain this clearly.

Ok, I'll try to give at least some guideline.

First of all: The most important thing to remember is that an ISession
is really unstable and unreliable (according to the book 'Exceptional
C++' of Herb Sutter ISession even breaks the fundamental level of
guarantee). Therefore is should be used only for short periods of time
and be thrown away as fast as possible, because any NHibernate
exception and each rollback immediatley invalidates the session

On the other hand there is lazy loading and this works only as long as
the session is still open. But I think, in many cases it should be
considered bad practise to just load a root entity and rely on
NHibernates lazy loading mechanism to pull all dependent entities into
memory. This pattern is a real performance killer.

IMHO a much better idea is to think of lazy loading as a way of being
able to ignore some data if they don't matter in a given use case. So
for each use case you should always eagerly load all data you will
need and therefore there is no problem in early closing the session.

That's the motivation for all these rather complex patterns like
Session per Business Transaction, Persistence Context, etc.

If you are all new to this, don't try to invent everything from
scratch in your first application. Either use the patterns and
libraries already mentioned or, if you want to really understand and
develop everything yourself, start simple. A rather simple approach
may be to define a service layer (e.g. just a single static class)
that has a public API derived from use cases and only in this layer
ISession objects and a session factory is allowed. Then in each public
method a fresh session is opened, data fetched, maybe some kind of
post-processing/conversion/transformation is done, and before
returning the result the session will be closed. This is the basic
idea of session per business transaction (or per use case).

For applications that are not too complex this might suffice, in more
complex scenarios patterns like the mentioned persistence context
might be needed.

Hope, this helps a little bit.

Until the next mail...,

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