Yesterday I`ve asked a question Person -> Details database structure
Now I need to make a NHibernate mapping, where the details are lazy

so my person map is:

<class name="Employee" table="Employee">
     <id name="Id" column="EmployeeId">
         <generator class="native" />
     <property name="FName" column="FName"/>
     <property name="LName" column="LName"/>

     <one-to-one class="Contact" name="Contact"  property-
ref="Employee" constrained="true" lazy="proxy"/>  </class>

My Contact map:
<class name="Contact" table="Contacts" lazy="true">
  <id name="Id" column="Id">
    <generator class="native"/>
  <property name="PersonalMobilePhone" column="PersonalMobilePhone"/
  <property name="HomeAdress"          column="HomeAdress"         /
  <property name="WorkTelephone"       column="WorkTelephone"      /

  <many-to-one name="Employee" class="Employee" column="EmployeeId"
unique="true" />

When I try to get concrete Employee from Repository, even if I never
use my employee.Contact, profiler shows that there was a SELECT from
Contacts table. How can I make this lazy?

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