have you tried configuring lazy="false" on the address->city, city-
>state and state->country links?

On Oct 14, 11:24 pm, Raul Carlomagno <rcarloma...@gmail.com> wrote:
> hi, the domain is something like this: a PERSON who has an ilist of
> ADDRESSES, each ADDRESS has a CITY, each CITY has a STATE, each STATE
> has a COUNTRY
> all clases are mapped as proxies, so my form receives a person, with
> its proxied addreses, ergo, proxied city, proxied state and proxied
> country
> i reattach person to a session to get its addresses, but for each
> address that is lazy loaded, its city, state and country are lazy
> loaded too, but i get a query for each class, for example when an
> address is lazy loaded, then, i get 3 querys, one for city, one for
> state and one country
> i would like to fetch an address by lazy load and get the entire graph
> of city, state and country in one shot, is it possible?
> thanks
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