On Tue, 30 Jul 2019 at 23:00, Zachary Bruick <zbru...@ucar.edu> wrote:
> I'm able to see the state of the notebook that I saved it in when I build the 
> site. So basically, I have to execute the notebook myself and get all of the 
> output produced and then it will just render whatever state the notebook is 
> in when I save it? Is there anyway for Nikola to execute the notebook when it 
> converts it to html so that I don't have to do this for each notebook?

No, there isn’t, at least not in Nikola. There might be
Jupyter-specific tools for this. Note that most code is heavily
dependent on the runtime environment (working directory, venv, etc.),
so automated running won’t work easily for most cases, and such tools
are fairly unlikely to exist

Chris Warrick <https://chriswarrick.com/>

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