
        I am a long time Olympus OM-1/OM-2n fan, but recently a friend passed
away and left me his Nikon N6006 and a selection of lenses that includes
a 50mm f1.8 AF Nikkor, a 24-50mm f3.3 AF Nikkor (this may be the
sharpest lens I have ever used), a 28-300mm f4 AF Vivitar, a Tokina
70-21mm f4 AI-S, and a 50mm f2 Nikkor (one with the meter coupler on the
aperture ring, the meter does not work with this lens, but I have found
it will work with a handheld meter). Shooting mechanical cameras, I have
not had any experience with electronic cameras. After doing some
shooting with the N6006, I must admit that I am hooked. Mechanical
cameras taught me to see and shoot, but the electronic camera has so
many useful features that I am seriously thinking about going Nikon from
this point. I think that this is a good move, as Olympus seems to be
getting out of the 35mm SLR business, and the number of good Olympus
SLRs is rapidly shrinking.
        I know that my N6006 was released several years ago, and I don't know
how old or what kind of life to expect from this cameras, so I am
considering buying a body that would become my main camera, allowing the
N6006 to be my back-up. The question I pose is what Nikon camera body
would be the next logical extension for my system? Though I was once a
photographer for our local paper, I am no longer a professional
photographer. My cameras are mostly used for doing still life photos and
travel photography. I am also a disabled Vet, so there are no F5s in my
future. I would like to buy a body that would be under $500, and the N70
seems to fit the bill. But, the folks at my local camera store expect
the price on the N90 to drop after the introduction of the F100, putting
that body in my price range.
        What do you suggest folks. I am more than willing to look for a good
used body, so all options are open.
        This is a great list, and a most welcome oasis among the bickering and
language used on some of the photo news groups.
        Thank you very much.

                        Bill Hilburn

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