Pardon my satiric pessimism. Nim is my #1 favorite programming language, and I 
very much hope that it succeeds. But, in answer to this thread's question about 
the past 9 months, I think there's very little to celebrate. Growth exists, but 
it's far slower than it should be. People are experimenting with Nim and doing 
cool things, [dom's book finally hit 
paper](, etc - 
but something is clearly missing.

Nim has many virtues, but it also needs a lot of work to catch up to other 
languages. A new programming language is like a business: the first million is 
always the hardest. People need a clear reason to invest their efforts into Nim 
rather than something else, especially when Nim's competitors are so much 
bigger. A bigger community means more libraries and tooling, more answers when 
you $searchEngine a problem, more job / freelancing opportunities, etc.

Unless you have Rich Uncle Google (or Apple, Mozilla, etc) to boost you right 
from the start, breaking through and achieving growth is very hard - but other 
languages have done it. I think Nim's greatest competitors are Dlang and 
Crystal - two grass-roots languages that surpassed Nim in popularity. I think 
the greatest reason for this is vision, clarity of purpose - they had a 
specific audience that helped lift them off the ground.

In these past months DMD also [went 
after]($1ei9$ Nim's 
permissive license freedom crown, and it has an estimated 872 (79%) [dub 
packages]( that are 
[copyfree]( (nimble is at 448 or 88% 

The question of "[What is the Nim programming language good 
 does not (yet) have a clear answer. D and Crystal are clear, even in their 
names: to be a better modernized C++ or a more solid Ruby. Nim is a mix of many 
cool ideas: some more practical and some more academic than others; some offer 
a better C++, some a better in-browser JS target, or Python, or Ada, etc. No 
one group can have any confidence in what direction Nim will continue to 
evolve, and how much faith they should put in it making significant progress. 
[Nim's roadmap]( hasn't been 
updated in over a year...

With a new business, you write a [business 
plan]( and you knock on a lot of 
doors (banks, etc) asking for investments, persuading people that in a few 
years you'll have something great. But you cannot be great at everything all at 
once: some things will clearly and decisively need to be put on the 
back-burner. A good business plan doesn't contain a zillion unfocused ideas, 
but a few ideas that are focused and complementary. I think Nim needs precisely 
that: a VISION of why, if it's not the best programming language for a specific 
target audience yet, in a few years it will be, and how it will get there. 

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