Thanks a lot for the improvement, but I am still a bit puzzled when I get the 
the part where you start talking about `rank` and `select`. By rereading it 
several times I think I know now what this is all about. But the intro could be 
much smoother (if you care about that). For example here you instantly start to 
talk about bit sequences.

> For bit sequences, rank(i) counts the number of 1 bits in the first i places.

Because normally I never care about bit sequences, my brain completely skipped 
the word "bit" and I was puzzled why you were now talking so much about bits. I 
think a sentence that you use a simplification for the introduction, a sequence 
with only 0 and 1 values, a bit sequence.

Thanks for the link to the theory, I think this will make everything more clear 
as I read it. And I think it is not all that unfamiliar to me, I just never 
called it by that name. Now at least I know it's about compression.

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