
I've been playing with Nim a bit to see if it's feasible to use it in my 
company, I’ve tested it with a few editors and currently I’m using vscode.

I think that the language is just great, it’s so much fun to program with 
it,just love it!! … but, there are a few things that must be addressed to make 
it appeal to a broad audience:

**Editor integration:**

  1. Intellisense (although exists it’s not near what other languages have)
  2. Compile, Build and Run from within the editor (I have it working now but 
took time to find howto, Aporia is nice but I don’t think it can compete with 
the leading editors…why waist the effort)


  1. The variables names are not as in the source code (just feels lacking in 
comparison to other languages)
  2. Code stepping while in debug is not accurate (can step over empty lines)
  3. Option to skip core source files when debugging (just want to debug my 
code not the core libs)
  4. Ability to view string variable content in debug

    I tried to ‘c2nim’ the libuv library and the tool failed (I know it’s a 
known issue and that Nim has the reactor module) but having the full ‘C’ eco 
system libraries at Nim’s disposal (without much effort) is a huge advantage

It would be great if you could select a single editor/IDE (doen’t matter which 
(vscode or IntelliJ for example, although I think vscode is a good candidate) 
and make it work perfect, I’m sure it will attract many newcomers.

BTW: I’ll be happy to help with that ;)

Cheers and keep on this great work that you do

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