Thank you **@moigagoo** for your feedback!

> 1\. In 8.1.3 Type compatibility, you point out that we can't use int and 
> string and should use cint and cstring instead. But instead of explaining the 
> differences, you state that cstring is actually similar to string (to the 
> point where string is implicitly converted to cstring) and cint is basically 
> int32. If the types are in fact so similar, why can't we use them?

You're right, I will explain the differences more clearly.

> [...] But when I'm trying to actually capture the return value and print it, 
> an error occurs [...]

I wanted to keep the first example as simple as possible. But I will fix this 
by adding a `nodecl` pragma to it.

> 3\. Usage of {.importc.} for JavaScript interfacing is confusing. Why are we 
> using the C pragma for JS? Why should every field be explicitly imported?
> 4\. Even more confusing is the usage of {.importcpp.}: “It instructs the 
> compiler to generate JavaScript code which calls the specified procedure as 
> if it was a member of the first argument’s object.” There's no obvious logic 
> in using C++ pragma in JS interfacing, let alone using it to achieve this 
> effect.

I think **@Araq** will need to answer these questions.

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