using this point as the reference of query, a link on arch linux forum was 


the following steps were undertaken.
    * re-install texlive-fontsextra  (sudo pacman -S texlive-fontsextra)
    * cd ~/source-nim/nim
    * git pull
    * cd csources && sh
    * bin/nim c koch
    * ./koch boot -d:release
    * ./koch pdf

At this point, nim is built and ready to use
    bin/nim --version
    Nim Compiler Version 0.16.0 (2017-01-24) [Linux: amd64]
    Copyright (c) 2006-2017 by Andreas Rumpf
    git hash: 0ead17bf0ecb12e32f64c050f8d28f6c22a59adb
    active boot switches: -d:release

and the full documentation in PDF format is available.
    find . -name "*.pdf"

SUMMARY If you are using Arch Linux and encounter issue with building the PDF 

  * remove ~/.texlive
  * re-install texlive-fontxextra

Thanks for hcorion, araq for the assistance and encouragement with 
troubleshooting !

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