For someone used to languages like Python and Go, Nim's kitchen sink approach 
can be a bit intimidating.

Quoting [someone's comment from YComb 

> Nim is great, and I use it (in production), but I know exactly why it isn't 
> as popular: **_Nim is ƒ*ƈƘȋŊĝ huge_**.
> Most other very complete languages are not compiled so you can kinda muck 
> around in a repl and use introspection to figure out whats going on. Nim 
> isn't like that. You need to think and figure things out when you're first 
> learning it. Furthermore Nim isn't yet at 1.0 and lacks its killer library. 
> Go and Rust are easier to get started with because they are simpler 
> languages. They are easier to teach and easier to write documentation for.

As I keep emphasizing, Nim needs to break out of obscurity in order to be a 
great language, and marketing matters. Pardon my philistinism, but a third 
kitchen sink will not make Nim better as far as most programmers are concerned. 
I think making Nim more appealing to Python programmers is the best way 

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