> But strict typing is killing us

I'll repeat what I have already tried to tell you several times, based on the 
examples/questions you have posted previously.

I don't think 'strict typing' is what is killing you. It is your idea to do 
things "the old way", like you did them in some other language, and when that 
plan fails, you ask as how to patch it to make it work. Instead of doing things 
the other, easier, way where you might not even need those patches.

I've already gave you link to Wikipedia'a entry for 'XY problem' so this time 
I'll directly copy–paste it here:

> The XY problem is a communication problem encountered in help desk and 
> similar situations in which the real issue ("X") of the person asking for 
> help is obscured, because instead of asking directly about issue X, they ask 
> how to solve a secondary issue ("Y") which they believe will allow them to 
> resolve issue X. However, resolving issue Y often does not resolve issue X, 
> or is a poor way to resolve it, and the obscuring of the real issue and the 
> introduction of the potentially strange secondary issue can lead to the 
> person trying to help having unnecessary difficulties in communication and 
> offering poor solutions.

* * *

I'm sorry if this sounds rude — that is not my intention. My intention is to 
help you so in the future you'll ask more questions about "X issue".

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