> Currently there are 18 of us who joined.

Make that 38, as we speak ;)

Less than 24 hours to go until the start so here are some basic tips/rules:

1\. **SPOILERS** : Try to keep this thread as spoiler-free as possible. If you 
can't wait to share your solution, 
[r/adventofcode](https://old.reddit.com/r/adventofcode/) will have megathreads 
for each day and you can post there as soon as the global leaderboard is 
populated (and that is veeery quickly). If you would like to post it here too, 
consider posting a link to your solution (Github, Pastebin, etc.) and not just 
copy-paste it here, so people will need to consciously click before seeing 

2\. **ASKING FOR HELP** : Feel free to ask for help either here or on Nim 
IRC/Gitter channel if you have some Nim-related problem, but have in mind that 
your snippets might contain spoilers for other who haven't solved the task yet 
— not everybody will be able to solve the tasks at 5 a.m. UTC. Consider waiting 
at least couple of hours before asking for help (in that time, try it some more 
to see if you can solve it by yourself).

3\. **HAVE FUN** : This is mandatory!

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