Grabbing the result from stdout(echo) is a bit of a detour. You usually want to 
seperate the calculation of something from the I/O. So for example if you later 
want to use that function in a GUI application you wouldn't need any 
modifications to the function itself, you would fetch the inputs from the GUI 
and then put the calculated values back into the GUI.

As a small note, your `output_lcs` proc has the return type `string`, but never 
writes to it, so it always returns an empty string when using echo.

Now let's come back to the question. One solution would be always return the 
concatenated results of the recursive calls, like so: 
    proc output_lcs(backtrack: seq[seq[int]], v: string, i: int, j: int): 
string =
      if i == 0 or j == 0:
      if backtrack[i][j] == 1:
        result.add output_lcs(backtrack, v, i-1, j)
      elif backtrack[i][j] == 2:
        result.add output_lcs(backtrack, v, i, j-1)
        result.add output_lcs(backtrack, v, i-1, j-1)
        result.add v[i-1]

The only thing left to do, is to remove the `result = ""` in the calling proc, 
so the last statement can count as an implicit return(we could also prepend the 
call by a return, but this way it's cleaner)

Alternatively we could also pass a `string` as a var parameter, so we can 
modify the passed variable: 
    proc output_lcs(backtrack: seq[seq[int]], v: string, i: int, j: int, 
result: var string)=
      if i == 0 or j == 0:
      if backtrack[i][j] == 1:
        output_lcs(backtrack, v, i-1, j)
      elif backtrack[i][j] == 2:
        output_lcs(backtrack, v, i, j-1)
        output_lcs(backtrack, v, i-1, j-1)
        result.add v[i-1]

Note that this result variable is not the implicitely defined one from a proc 
with return type. Here the name result is just choosen arbitrarily and doesn't 
bear any special meaning.

In case we use this method, we also have to change the initial call, so that 
the recursive proc writes into the result variable of `lcs_backtrack`: 
    output_lcs(backtrack, v, vlen, wlen, result)

The latter solution is more efficient, since it only modifies the output the 
`string` when needed, though it doesn't really matter in this situation, 
because the bottlenecks lie in other places.

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