> What's the reasoning behind this again?

Before we used to have one devel and one stable. So devel was always 
`stable+0.0.1`. That worked fine.

But we switched to this "backport mode" where minor version numbers (e.g. 
0.20.2, 0.20.4, etc.) have only bugfixes compared to their major release (e.g. 
0.20.0), while in the devel you find both bugfixes and new features, which will 
reach stable in the next major release (e.g. 0.21.0).

So in a sense, devel is ahead of any stable minor release, and that's why it 
gets 0.x.99 name. The `stable+0.0.1` is a version you can get from 
`version-0-20` branch if you can't wait for the next release and you're only 
interested in bugfixes.

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