> Python, I started to learn Python and found it quite easy to pick up, however 
> I decided that its growing way to big as a language, too many people are 
> changing it too much, and for me on Windows it just became another scripting 
> language, no better than say Perl... and yes Python may be very popular at 
> the moment and that's mainly because all the schools and university's etc use 
> it...but we all know that they just follow each other anyway, so just because 
> they all use it, does not mean its the best language out there. Anybody that 
> thinks that is a fool.

I don't see Python that negatively. The language clearly has its strengths, and 
personally I find it much more readable compared to Perl (not just now, but 
already very shortly after moving from Perl to Python).

By the way, my perception from using Python professionally for almost 20 years 
is that schools and universities introduced Python rather slowly, after it was 
already in wide use. Actually I had expected that Python would find its 
widespread use in education _much_ earlier. Of course Python being taught in 
schools and universities helps its popularity, but I don't think at all it's 
the only or even main reason for the popularity.

Regarding the "best language", I think there isn't any best language, only the 
best compromise for a given use case. :-)

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