I would like to download an image file from the server and save it on my PC by 
nim language.

At first, I wrote the following code:.
    import httpclient
    let url = "https://nnahito.com/images/nna_chara1.png";    # This is my server
    var client = newHttpClient()
    var response = client.get(url)
    writeFile("test.png", response.body)

However, the saved image file was not recognized as an image file.


I looked it up and found the following article.


It says you can use "newFileStream".

So I rewrote the code as follows:.
    import httpclient
    import streams
    let url = "https://nnahito.com/images/nna_chara1.png";
    var client = newHttpClient()
    var response = client.get(url)
    var f = newFileStream("test.png", fmWrite)

It worked fine.


What is the difference between writeFile and newFileStream?

Also, is the Stream of newFileStream different from saving a file normally?

I would appreciate it if you could let me know if anyone knows.

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