People keep adding material and helping in the proofreading of the Nim 
tutorial. Here is the address:


As I told before, the Della-Vos group decided to expand the scope of the text 
to create a Nim book, not only a tutorial about macros. Besides proofreading, 
the most important correction was to fix the fable of the rabbits, that 
Leonardo Bigollo Pisano tells in chapter 12 of his Liber Abaci. Sergio Teixeira 
and Stephanie Bourdieu think that the algorithm must mirror Fibonacci's fable. 
According to Fibonacci, the farmer started with a pair of adult rabbits. At the 
end of the first month, the pair of rabbits reproduced. Therefore, 
Fibonacci(0)= 1 and Fibonacci(1)= 2. In the words of Fibonacci himself:

Quidam posuit unum par cuniculorum in quodam loco, qui erat undique pariete 
circundatus, ut sciret, quot ex eo paria germinarentur in uno anno: cum natura 
eorum sit per singulum mensem aliud par germinare; et in secundo mense ab eorum 
nativitate germinant. Quia suprascriptum par in primo mense germinat, 
duplicabis ipsum, erunt paria duo in uno mense. Ex quibus unum, silicet primum, 
in secundo mense geminat; et sic sunt in secundo mense paria 3, etc.

Fibonacci says that the initial couple had a pair of baby rabbits right away in 
the first month, which means that they were adults. Therefore, for n=0, 
Fibonacci(n)=1 -- the original pair, and for n=1, Fibonacci(n)= 2, since a baby 
pair was added to the population. The edition I am using is from 1228, on 
recommendation of Stephanie.

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