`shuffle()` is in-place but it did save me one line: 
    var colors = gameColors # gameColors is a const seq[Color]
    colors = colors[0 ..< game.maxColors]

It is true that NiGui uses Gtk on Linux, but Gtk is pretty well always on 
desktop/laptop systems even KDE ones, since there're bound to be apps that 
depend on it.

Nim could certainly do with a really good book -- I'd certainly like to read 

(I've dipped into Nim in Action, but I felt it was too close to the docs, the 
main examples didn't appeal to me, and it isn't Nim 1.0.)

As for writing a Nim book: (1) I'd need to have done a lot more Nim programming 
-- which I'm in the process of doing; (2) I'd need to have at least one core 
dev willing to read and give feedback on all the examples _and_ on the text -- 
over a 12-18 month period; (3) I'd need to interest my -- or another -- 
publisher; (4) I'd need to feel motivated to spend at least a year working on a 
book that's likely to sell only a few thousand copies and so be a labor of love 
rather than economically viable. So I'm hoping someone else does it:-)

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