It's hard to ELI5 right now because it's all still WIP.

In theory, should not be many changes to how you write everyday code. You will 
notice Nim use less memory while still being on par with C/C++ performance for 
most common use cases. (YMMV of course.)

There are going to be a few new features that allow you to optimize your code 
like =sink, but that's an advanced optional feature.

There are a few domains that Nim is going to get way better at:

  * multithreading
  * embedded
  * making DLL's / Shared libraries / Hot Code Reloading.
  * interop with other langauges. (already is really good, but will get better.)
  * long running applications that eat memory over time, like servers.

It's less like Rust and more like "C++" done right, imo. To quote Araq from IRC:

> or if you know C++ well:
> \--gc:arc ~~ shared_ptr done right
> \--newruntime ~~ unique_ptr done right

\-- Araq

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