See my project here: 
 the code I pasted in the playground comes from src/naytracerpkg/matrix.nim 
having the definitations and tests/tmatrix.nim having the test.

The test fails for me on my local machine with a type mismatch error. But since 
the code was copy pasted into the playground and works fine there I have no 
idea how to fix this.

The full error being: 
 14) Error: type mism
    atch: got <Matrix[W - 1, H - 1], Matrix[3, 3]>
    but expected one of:
    proc `==`[I, T](x, y: array[I, T]): bool
      first type mismatch at position: 2
      required type for y: array[I, T]
      but expression ':c2' is of type: Matrix[3, 3]
    proc `==`[T](x, y: openArray[T]): bool
      first type mismatch at position: 2
      required type for y: openArray[T]
      but expression ':c2' is of type: Matrix[3, 3]
    func `==`[W, H](m1, m2: Matrix[W, H]): bool
      first type mismatch at position: 2
      required type for m2: Matrix[==.W, ==.H]
      but expression ':c2' is of type: Matrix[3, 3]
    24 other mismatching symbols have been suppressed; compile with 
--showAllMismatches:on to see them
    expression: :c1 == :c2
           Tip: 1 messages have been suppressed, use --verbose to show them.
         Error: Execution failed with exit code 1
            ... Command: "C:\Users\Administrator\.nimble\bin\nim.exe" c 
--noNimblePath -d:NimblePkgVersion

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