Keep it civil please. Here is a [macro 
tutorial]( and here is [documentation of 
the macros module]( You should never 
have to use a code generator. As far as I can tell, no one understands your 
question, so I am going to pitch in with an answer to how much I personally 

Routine (proc etc) definitions inside templates are dirty by default, types and 
variables are gensym'd. [Relevant 
 You can opt in or out with {.inject.} or {.gensym.}.

Unfortunately there is no way to pass object/enum AST to a macro/template, you 
have to pass your own type section definition (which you can only do with 
colon/indent syntax) and extract the AST from there or generate an object/enum 
node from some other kind of AST (for example `(name: string, age, ssn: int)`).

I still don't know if that's relevant to your case though, no one's answers in 
this post has implied that they are not experienced with macros, the way you're 
wording your problem just does not narrow down possibilities. I don't even 
expect this post that I'm making to help you, it's just the next person who 
Googles some related problem and finds this post might want something 

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